You are about to enter...The Miracle Inside My Mind!

You are about to enter...The Miracle Inside My Mind!
Attack problems with the intensity of the Sun, and understand The Miracle Inside My Mind!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

As I walked upon the shores of my life, I understood that every disappointment was for a Divine purpose, and therefore an advantage, and my error in thought was not an error, but a blessing, for it fulfilled God’s purpose for me. To live is to feel; to live is to experience sights, sounds, taste, and smells. To become traumatized is to experience these things over and over in the mind; but it is our life on this earth. It is our reality. We must love the senses as we love life. When one sense takes over the mind, we must experience it until we can experience it no more. Only then will it calm down and the other senses take their rightful place.

And so it is with thoughts. Experience a thought until it can be experienced no more; and then get up and experience it again. Carry it with you until its weight dissipates, and share the thought with a friend. Thoughts are the beginning of civilization. They must be cherished and valued as our most valuable asset and possession, the most valuable thing on earth, the beginning of so many wonderful things; nothing is more powerful than a thought and each must be scrutinized and respected and none overlooked—especially those that have been previously examined and set aside; like plowing a field, the least thought must be revisited to turn the soil for a larger harvest.

Behold, I proclaim! Behold, the power of thoughts! You never thought I could overcome mental illness with my thoughts. You never did, yet I did. Your previous thoughts were incorrect, so I say take them, turn them over and plow the field. Don’t discard your erroneous assumption. Don’t discard the untrue supposition. These incorrect ideas are testimonies of the frail condition that plagues humanity; hardly do you know what will happen today let alone tomorrow; and you don’t even know all the facts of this moment. To be human is to be vulnerable, the unknown a constant reality; but behold, you must see that the road to a higher power is through thought, the weak and the strong, the ignorant and the wise, the knowing and the absence of information. This is where one world protrudes into the other, where humanity must grow to create a higher order of things. So, behold I say, behold, think again about how to constructively create change, and build the foundation from within, each person a valuable building block to the future; study the message that the higher powers of the universe have sent to you.

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I believe that I can speak about emotional trauma, especially PTSD, in a unique way and give voice to those who may find it difficult to articulate what it's like to be emotionally traumatized. I had the experience of being put in the hospital at the age of two due to being ill with encephalitis. Ironically, encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, and it was my brain that I needed to use to escape the horrible things that would subsequently happen to me. I was severely emotionally damaged at the age of two by what I believe to be the EEG that the doctors gave me. They put wires on my head and weren't nice about it. The trauma from the hospital experience incubated in my mind until I was seventeen years old. It was at that time that things got ugly. Images and feelings from the hospital popped in and out of my mind. I developed techniques to stabilize my mental state and then to ultimately overcome the emotional trauma. I did this without going for help or talking to anyone. I only kept a journal, "My only friend." If you'd like to learn more, you can go to my website, THE MIRACLE INSIDE MY MIND.